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《贫困所致传染病(英文)》(Infectious Diseases of Poverty)学术杂志入选《2021年中国科学院文献情报中心期刊分区表》全球医学类Top期刊(图)
传染病 中国科学院 全球医学类 自然科学与工程技术
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2021年下半年,在主管、主办单位和专家学者的大力支持下,《贫困所致传染病(英文)》(Infectious Diseases of Poverty,简称IDP)的学术质量和影响力进一步提升。在《2021年中国科学院文献情报中心期刊分区表》的医学大类、寄生虫学和热带医学学科中,IDP位于1区,其中在医学学科中为Top期刊。在《中国学术期刊(光盘版)》电子杂志社有限公司与清华大学图书馆合作联合研制并发...

Infectious Diseases of Poverty以全健康理念助力实现健康相关可持续发展(图)
海南国际健康产业博览会 寄生虫病
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值“第五届海南国际健康产业博览会”召开之际,为增进学术交流,促进期刊发展,中国疾病预防控制中心寄生虫病预防控制所(国家热带病研究中心)Infectious Diseases of Poverty(IDP)于11月13日在海南组织召开了期刊发展论坛。论坛采用线上线下相结合的方式,来自国内外300多位专家学者参加或收看了本次论坛。
Infectious Diseases of Poverty入选2020中国精品期刊展
2020中国精品期刊展 图书博览会 传染病防治
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在由中共中央宣传部、北京市人民政府主办,中国图书进出口(集团)承办的第二十七届北京国际图书博览会上,Infectious Diseases of Poverty入选“2020中国精品期刊展”。

北京地坛医院张福杰团队与清华大学医学院郭永团队合作——在《Clinical Infectious Diseases》报道对新冠肺炎患者的病毒核酸定量检测研究(图)
北京地坛医院 张福杰 清华大学医学院 郭永 新冠肺炎 病毒核酸 定量检测
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新型冠状病毒 (SARS-CoV-2) 作为一种以呼吸道感染为主的新病毒,短时间内爆发并迅速向世界各国蔓延。近日,首都医科大学附属北京地坛医院张福杰教授团队基于清华大学郭永研究员团队研发的微液滴数字PCR (ddPCR)技术,比较了ddPCR与实时荧光定量PCR(RT-PCR)在新冠病毒检测中的应用,并利用ddPCR 评估了SARS-CoV-2病毒载量在不同样本中的差异以及在疾病进程中的动态变化,...

首都医科大学附属北京地坛医院朱鏐娈团队和陈志海团队联合在《Clinical Infectious Diseases》发文阐述重症发热伴血小板减少综合征的早期预警机制(图)
首都医科大学附属北京地坛医院 朱鏐娈 陈志海 Clinical Infectious Diseases 重症发热 伴血小板减少综合征 机制
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2019年6月,首都医科大学附属北京地坛医院朱鏐娈副教授团队联合陈志海教授团队在传染病专业一类期刊《Clinical Infectious Diseases》(5年IF:8.835)上发表题为“High Levels of Circulating Cell-free DNA Are Associated With a Poor Prognosis in Patients With Severe F...

NSF,NIH and USDA make new awards to combat infectious diseases(图)
NSF NIH USDA combat infectious diseases
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Preventing outbreaks and controlling the spread of infectious diseases requires knowledge about how pathogens move through populations, and the factors that can keep them contained. To that end, the N...
2017热带传染病戈登学术会议(The 2017 Gordon Research Conference on Tropical Infectious Diseases)
Tropical Infectious Diseases Chagas disease
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The 2017 Gordon Research Conference on Tropical Infectious Diseases will present cutting edge research on the most prevalent and medically important tropical infectious diseases (TIDs). This will be t...
To slow spread of infectious diseases,NSF,NIH,USDA invest $16.6 million
slow spread infectious diseases NSF NIH USDA invest $16.6 million
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Outbreaks of infectious diseases such as Zika increasingly threaten global public health. Scientists expect five such new diseases to emerge each year.
To find out whether our interaction with the en...
To slow the spread of infectious diseases,NSF,NIH,USDA support new research
slow the spread of infectious diseases NSF NIH USDA
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Emerging pandemic disease outbreaks such as Ebola increasingly threaten global public health and world economies, scientists say. We can expect five such new diseases to emerge each year--and spr...
Ebola, Dengue fever, Lyme disease: The growing economic cost of infectious diseases
Ebola Dengue fever Lyme disease growing economic cost infectious diseases
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The following is part 13 in a series on the NSF-NIH-USDA Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Disease (EEID) Program. See parts: one, two, three, four, five, six, sev...

National award for The University of Queensland infectious diseases researcher(图)
infectious diseases National award
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The University of Queensland’s Professor Mark Walker is among 20 researchers recognised at the National Health and Medical Council Research Excellence Awards.
New centre to enhance research into infectious diseases
New centre infectious diseases
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The University of Queensland (UQ) has enhanced its position as a leading centre for biological and health science research, with the opening of a new research centre focused on infectious diseases.The...
Infectious Diseases Concomitant with Urinary Tract Infections in Children
Urinary tract infection concomitant infectious disease
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Urinary-tract infection (UTI) is one of the most common infectious diseases in children; however, the significance of combined infection in the pathogenesis of UTI remains uncertain. Of 48,382 patient...
Australia Provides $12 Million to Combat Emerging Infectious Diseases in our Region
infectious diseases
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European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases(图)
clinical microbiology 临床微生物学 infectious diseases 传染病 感染性疾病 public health 公共卫生
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Founded in 1983, the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID) currently has more than 2,750 individual members in 93 countries. The Society is a non-profit organisati...