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Improving the Resolution of GRACE Data for Spatio-Temporal Groundwater Storage Assessment
GRACE GLDAS terrestrial water storage groundwater storage random forest model downscaling
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Groundwater has a significant contribution to water storage and is considered to be one of the sources for agricultural irrigation; industrial; and domestic water use. The Gravity Recovery and Climate...

《Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering》与清华大学出版社达成合作(图)
《地下水科学与工程》 清华大学 出版社 合作
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近日,《Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering》(地下水科学与工程 JGSE)与清华大学出版社达成合作,JGSE期刊内容将上线SciOpen平台,将进一步提高期刊的学术影响力和国际竞争力。

New analysis highlights importance of groundwater discharge into oceans(图)
importance groundwater discharge into oceans
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An invisible flow of groundwater seeps into the ocean along coastlines all over the world. Scientists have tended to disregard its contributions to ocean chemistry, focusing on the far greater volumes...

Researchers use satellite imaging to map groundwater use in California's Central Valley(图)
satellite imaging map groundwater California Central Valley
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Researchers at the University of California, San Diego report a new way to improve groundwater monitoring by using a remote sensing technology, known as InSAR (interferometric synthetic aper...

Co-occurring contaminants may increase North Carolina groundwater risks(图)
Co-occurring contaminants North Carolina groundwater risks
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Contaminants that occur together naturally in groundwater under certain geological conditions may heighten health risks for millions of North Carolinians whose drinking water comes from private wells,...

Recovering phosphorus from corn ethanol production helps reduce groundwater pollution(图)
Recovering phosphorus ethanol production groundwater pollution
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Dried distiller's grains with solubles, DDGS, are a product of corn ethanol processing that's commonly used as feed for cattle, swine and poultry. However, DDGS contains more phosphorus than the anima...

中国地质大学科学技术发展院李成城, 高旭波*等, 环境学院. Journal of Hydrology(2019), Impact of anthropogenic activities on the enrichment of fluoride and salinity in groundwater in the Yuncheng Basin constrained by Cl/Br ratio, δ18O, δ2H, δ13C and δ7Li isotopes(图)
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近日,中国地质大学环境学院高旭波副教授团队在人类活动影响地下水氟富集领域的研究工作取得重要进展。相关研究成果发表在国际著名期刊《Journal of Hydrology》和《Environmental Pollution》。上述研究成果为深入认识饮用地下水氟富集和氟的水文-生物地球化学循环机制提供了重要理论支撑与新思路。论文第一作者李成城,为环境学院博士后,师从王焰新教授,高旭波副教授为通讯作者。
中国地质大学科学技术发展院任双坡(博士研究生), 姚光庆等 资源学院构造与油气资源教育部重点实验室 Journal of Hydrology, 2018, Borehole characterization of hydraulic properties and groundwater flow in a crystalline fractured aquifer of a headwater mountain watershed, Laramie Range, Wyoming
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2018年,国际著名期刊《Journal of Hydrology》刊发了中国地质大学关于美国西部怀俄明州拉勒米地区山区裂缝性花岗岩地下水系统综合表征的研究成果。论文第一作者为资源学院2015级博士研究生任双坡。该研究成果来源于资源学院姚光庆教授科研团队与美国怀俄明大学地质系Ye Zhang教授合作项目。论文第一作者赴美国怀俄明大学联合培养期间受到学校“研究生国际交流基金”资助。
中国地质大学科学技术发展院温冰(博士生),周爱国, 周建伟等地质调查研究院/环境学院 JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY, FEB 2018. Coupled S and Sr isotope evidences for elevated arsenic concentrations in groundwater from the world's largest antimony mine, Central China
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近日,中国地质大学环境学院矿山环境保护与治理研究团队(周爱国教授、周建伟教授研究团队)在“锑矿区地下水环境砷锑污染”研究中取得新进展,相关成果发表在国际著名期刊《Journal of Hydrology》上,论文第一作者为中国地质大学地质调查研究院2014级博士生温冰。

中国地质大学科学技术发展院曹海龙(硕士生),谢先军等环境学院 Journal of Hydrology, March 2018, Predicting the risk of groundwater arsenic contamination in drinking water wells(图)
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2018年3月,中国地质大学环境学院谢先军教授团队在“原生高砷地下水预测”研究领域取得新进展,其相关研究成果在国际著名期刊《Journal of Hydrology》上发表。该项研究成果受国家自然科学基金(Nos. 41772255, 41521001 和 41372254)资助。论文第一作者为环境学院2016级硕士研究生曹海龙。
Simulation of groundwater level recovery in abandoned mines, Fengfeng coalfield, China
Abandoned mine Laneway system Aquifer media
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Abandoned mines are of high potential risk as they could be a large underground storage of pollutants (heavy metals and organic wastes, etc.). Various physical, chemical and biological reactions would...
Dynamic assessment of pollution risk of groundwater source area in Northern China
Dynamic Groundwater pollution risk assessment Groundwater source area
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Based on the dynamic analysis and research of pollution risk of groundwater sources, this paper creates the dynamic assessment method of pollution risk of groundwater source area under the theory of “...
Analysis on exploitation status, potential and strategy of groundwater resources in the five countries of Central Asia
The five countries of Central Asia Groundwater Sustainable development
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As an important part of water resources of the five countries of Central Asia, groundwater resources give critical supports to the regional economic development. Accompanied by rapid economic developm...
Evaluation of groundwater quality and pollution in Daqing Oilfield
Daqing Oilfield Groundwater quality Groundwater pollution Evaluation
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Daqing Oilfield is located in the northeast of Songnen Plain in Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province, which is a petrochemical industry gathering place based on petroleum refining, chemical industry, ch...