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A diversity of wildlife is good for human health(图)
diversity wildlife good human health
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A growing body of evidence suggests that biodiversity loss increases exposure to both new and established zoonotic pathogens. Restoring and protecting nature is essential to preventing future pandemic...

New study identifies bird species that could spread ticks and Lyme disease(图)
New study identifies bird species spread ticks Lyme disease
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Birds play an underrecognized role in spreading tickborne disease. They can spread such disease because of their capacity for long-distance travel and tendency to split their time in different parts o...

2020年 诺贝尔 生理学 医学奖 揭晓 寄生虫疾病治疗 细胞自噬机制 生物钟运行
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Rising temperatures could shift US West Nile virus transmission(图)
Rising temperatures US West Nile virus transmission
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West Nile virus spreads most efficiently in the U.S. at temperatures between 75.2 and 77 degrees Fahrenheit, a new study published in eLife shows.The results of the U.S. National Scienc...

Researchers anticipate rise of some mosquito-borne diseases(图)
Researchers anticipate rise mosquito-borne diseases
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All mosquitoes are not created equal.Different species of the flying pest thrive at various temperature ranges and transmit different diseases. From this starting point, Stanford-led research pre...

Early-season hurricanes result in greater transmission of mosquito-borne infectious disease(图)
Early-season hurricanes greater transmission mosquito-borne infectious disease
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The timing of a hurricane is one of the primary factors influencing its impact on the spread of mosquito-borne infectious diseases such as West Nile Virus, dengue, chikungunya and Zika, according to a...

Breakthrough in predicting dengue fever outbreaks(图)
Breakthrough predict dengue fever outbreaks
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Researchers have devised a method to forecast outbreaks of dengue – a sometimes fatal mosquito-borne disease – as much as four months in advance.George Sugihara, a mathematical biologist at the Scripp...
美国 全球灾难性生物风险的技术 报告
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近日,美国约翰霍普金斯大学健康安全中心发布《应对全球灾难性生物风险的技术》报告,提出对15种新兴技术进行战略投资可帮助世界应对包括传染病爆发在内的全球灾难性生物风险。全球灾难性生物风险(Global Catastrophic Biological Risk, GCBR)作为传染病紧急事件的一个子集,是涉及生物制剂的一种特殊风险。该风险可导致超出国家和国际组织以及私营部门集体控制能力的广泛性的突发灾...
药浸蚊帐 抗击疟疾
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美国科技媒体Ars Technica 近日公布了一项疫苗领域的重要进展:美国国家卫生研究院(NIH)宣布启动一种能对抗所有蚊子传播疾病的疫苗Ⅰ期临床试验。该疫苗名为AGS-v,针对的是蚊子的唾液而不是个别的病菌。蚊子对人类的“威胁”远不止耳边的嗡嗡声以及皮肤上留下的奇痒的包,它们携带并传播了各种病原体,比如大规模暴发的寨卡疫情,以及登革热、疟疾、黄热病等等。通过叮咬人类,蚊子每年让数亿人感染疾病,...
英国伦敦帝国学院的科学家对一种叫做“Archimylacris eggintoni”的远古物种化石进行3D结构成像,这一物种是现代蟑螂、螳螂和白蚁的共同祖先。它们生活在3.59亿—2.99亿年前的石炭纪时期,当时地球生物正从海洋过渡至陆地。