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木质素 共混 聚丙烯酸酯
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Fe/C杂化炭膜 二茂铁 渗透通量 气体分离
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1,3 丙二醇发酵液电渗析法脱盐
电渗析 1,3-丙二醇 发酵液
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对1,3 丙二醇发酵液电渗析法脱盐的工艺进行了初步研究,主要就发酵液电导率与温度的关系、膜对电压、发酵液过滤与絮凝预处理、发酵液初始pH对脱盐效果的影响及膜的重复使用性进行了研究. 结果表明,发酵液电导率与温度呈线性关系,电导率温度校正系数为0.0217;膜对电压1.3~1.5 V为较适操作电压;脱盐过程耗时越长,1,3 丙二醇的损失越大;发酵液通过壳聚糖絮凝预处理后可以明显改善脱盐效果;发酵液p...
A Novel Routine for Manufacture of Environmentally Friendly Ethanol Fuel via Reactive Distillation
ethanol fuel reactive distillation bio-ethanol
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A novel routine for removing water from ethanol by the hydration using C4 olefin cut catalyzed with the ion exchange resin was proposed. Reactive distillation experiments were carried out to demonstra...
Fractal Geometry of Particle Aggregates Formed in Calcium Sulfite Slurry
sedimentation fractal geometry Stokes' Law
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The solid-liquid separation is an important operation for the regenerated slurry of dual-alkali FGD system, and calcium sulfite could predominate in particle aggregates of the slurry. The settling vel...
Interfacial Properties of Ethyl Cellulose/Cellulose Acetate Blends by HPLC
ethyl cellulose cellulose acetate interfacial property
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The high performance liquid chromatography method (HPLC) with ethyl cellulose/cellulose acetate (EC/CA) blends and EC as column packing material, and small molecular weight compound as probe molecules...
Microscale and Nanoscale Process Systems Engineering: Challenge and Progress
process systems engineering microchemical engineering nanotechnology
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This is an overview of the development of process systems engineering (PSE) in a smaller world. Two different spatio-temporal scopes are identified for microscale and nanoscale process systems. The fe...
Partition Behavior of Penicillin in Three-liquid-phase Extraction System
three-phase extraction penicillin
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Partition behavior of penicillins G and V was studied in a novel three-liquid-phase extraction system, which is composed of butyl acetate (BA), polyethylene glycol (PEG), ammonia sulfate [(NH4)2SO4] a...
Seeded Induction Period and Secondary Nucleation of Lithium Carbonate
lithium carbonate reactive crystallization secondary nucleation
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Seeded nucleation of lithium carbonate in aqueous solution during reactive crystallization was monitored by FBRM (focused beam reflectance measurement) and PVM (particle video microscope). The impacts...
Simulation of multi-component multi-stage separation process -An improved algorithm and application
separation distillation multi-component simulation
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This paper presents a flexible model and a robust algorithm for simulation of multi-stage multi-component separation processes in which multiple feeds, side streams, strippers and/or side heat exchang...
Unseeded Induction Period and Primary Nucleation of Lithium Carbonate
lithium carbonate primary nucleation reactive crystallization
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A set of laser apparatus was used to study induction period and primary nucleation of lithium carbonate in reactive crystallization. The results show that induction period increases with the decrease ...
气液分离器 出口结构 分离效率
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气液分离器是丙烯腈生产装置的关键设备之一,用于除去气体产品中的酸雾. 分离器的出口结构是影响分离效率的关键因素之一. 本研究借助通用流体分析软件PHOENICS对气液分离器内流场进行了分析,结果发现,增大液滴向器壁运动机会和减弱二次夹带效应均有利于提高分离效率. 基于此原则,对气体出口结构进行了优化实验,并提出了最佳的分离器双层套筒出口结构. 这种结构与其他几种结构相比除雾效果更佳,不管在低空速还...
超滤 醇沉 分离
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介绍了超滤-醇沉法从发酵液中提取1,3-丙二醇的工艺. 首先通过超滤,菌体、蛋白质与核酸的去除率分别为99%, 89.4%和69%,然后减压蒸馏浓缩发酵液,最后醇沉浓缩发酵液,使核酸、多糖、蛋白质等生物大分子沉淀析出,乙醇加入量与浓缩发酵液的最佳体积比为2:1. 粗产品中总蛋白和核酸与发酵液相比分别减少了97.4%和89.7%,溶液电导率下降了95.8%. 考察了浓缩发酵液的含水量、pH值对醇沉效...
发酵液 脱水 电场
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以酵母为模拟体系研究电脱水技术在发酵产品固液分离过程中的应用可行性. 考察了不同操作条件,包括酵母悬浮液初始pH、初始电导率、酵母浓度及电流强度对脱水率的影响,测定了上述条件下酵母细胞表面电动电位(即z电位)的变化规律. 研究结果表明,酵母细胞的表面电性质与电荷密度决定着电脱水过程的速率及脱水率.