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2017年4月24日,国际气候变化领域顶级期刊《Nature Climate Change》在线发表了兰州大学大气科学学院黄建平教授(第一兼通讯作者)等人题为“Drylands face potential threat under 2°C global warming target”的最新研究成果,论文第一单位为兰州大学。该研究指出贫穷落后的干旱半干旱区虽然人为排放的温室气体微不足道,但其承受的...
Changes in the climatic system introduce uncertainties in the supply and management of water resources. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) predicts an increase of 2 to 4 °C over the ...
近日,《Nature Climate Change》期刊在线发表了我校廖宏教授作为通讯作者的论文“Weather conditions conducive to Beijing severe haze more frequent under climate change” 。论文第一作者是中国海洋大学“千人计划”、青岛国家海洋实验室蔡文炬教授,其他合作者包括中科院大气物理研究所博士生李柯、我校王会...
China's Severe Winter Haze Tied to Climate Change     China  Severe Winter Haze Tied  Climate Change       font style='font-size:12px;'> 2017/3/30
China's severe winter air pollution problems may be worsened by changes in atmospheric circulation prompted by Arctic sea ice loss and increased Eurasian snowfall – both caused by global climate chang...
Arctic sea ice in recent decades has declined even faster than predicted by most models of climate change. Many scientists have suspected that the trend now underway is a combination of global warming...
2017年2月27日,兰州大学西部环境教育部重点实验室陈发虎院士领导的湖泊记录研究团队在国际著名期刊《Nature Climate Change》在线发表了题为“Aerosol-weakened summer monsoons decrease lake fertilization on the Chinese Loess Plateau”的重要研究成果。该团队依托近2000年的高山湖泊记录,首次...
It's More than Just Climate Change     Climate Change       font style='font-size:12px;'> 2017/3/13
A new scientific paper by a University of Maryland-led international team of distinguished scientists, including five members of the National Academies, argues that there are critical two-wa...
2017气候变化科学会议(Conference on the Science of Climate Change     2017  气候变化科学  会议       font style='font-size:12px;'> 2017/1/20
The Workshop is addressed to researchers from Central America and the Caribbean regions with the main aim to enhance local collaborations and foster international research and educational projects on ...
Humans,not climate change,wiped out Australian megafauna     Humans  not climate change  wiped out  Australian megafauna       font style='font-size:12px;'> 2017/2/16
New evidence involving the ancient poop of some of the huge and astonishing creatures that once roamed Australia indicates the primary cause of their extinction around 45,000 years ago was likely a re...
Increasing tornado outbreaks—Is climate change responsible?     Increasing tornado  outbreaks  climate change       font style='font-size:12px;'> 2016/12/13
Tornadoes and severe thunderstorms kill people and damage property every year. Estimated U.S. insured losses due to severe thunderstorms in the first half of 2016 were $8.5 billion. The largest U.S. i...
New research suggests that Lake Champlain may be more susceptible to damage from climate change than was previously understood—and that, therefore, the rules created by the EPA to protect the lake may...
Corals Survived Caribbean Climate Change     Corals  Caribbean  Climate Change       font style='font-size:12px;'> 2016/11/29
Half of all coral species in the Caribbean went extinct between 1 and 2 million years ago, probably due to drastic environmental changes. Which ones survived? Scientists working at the Smithsonian Tro...
近日,国际气候变化领域顶级期刊“Nature Climate Change”(2015-2016影响因子: 17.184)刊登了兰州大学大气科学学院田文寿教授等人的最新研究成果,论文题目为“Persistent Shift of the Arctic Polar Vortex towards the Eurasian Continent in Recent Decades”。论文通讯作者为田文寿教...
What the ancient CO2 record may mean for future climate change     ancient CO2 record  future  climate change       font style='font-size:12px;'> 2016/11/4
The last time Earth experienced both ice sheets and carbon dioxide levels within the range predicted for this century was a period of major sea level rise, melting ice sheets and upheaval of tropical ...
2016年9月9日上午,Nature Research高级编辑Monica Contestabile博士(Senior Editor for Nature Research)和Nature Climate Change主编Wake Bronwyn Davina博士(Chief Editor of Nature Climate Change)应邀来访并分别做题为“Introduction to Na...









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