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搜索结果: 1-15 共查到知识要闻 大气科学 climate change相关记录18条 . 查询时间(0.059 秒)
New study of 150 million years of fish evolution provides first evidence to support scientific theory that commonly-eaten fish species will become smaller as waters warm under climate change. However,...
Climate change widespread, rapid, and intensifying: IPCC     climate system  climate change  sea level rise       font style='font-size:12px;'> 2021/8/10
Scientists are observing changes in the Earth's climate in every region and across the whole climate system, according to the latest IPCC Report. Many of the changes observed in the climate are unprec...
The waste product which could help mitigate climate change     biochar  climate change  crop yields  soil       font style='font-size:12px;'> 2021/8/5
A product made from urban, agriculture and forestry waste has the added benefit of reducing the carbon footprint of modern farming, an international review involving UNSW has found.
Analyses by an international team from the UK and Canada and led by scientists reveal that climate change is the most pervasive threat to the supply of essential micronutrients from marine fish catche...
Using archeology to better understand climate change     archeology  climate change  global warming       font style='font-size:12px;'> 2021/8/4
In a paper published today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Professor Burke and her colleagues make a case for a new and evolving discipline called "the archeology of climate ch...
Disparities of climate change mapped     climate change  global climate system  greenhouse emissions       font style='font-size:12px;'> 2021/8/3
New research illustrates the disparity between the narrow origins and far-reaching impacts of greenhouse emissions responsible for disrupting the global climate system.
Evidence from an ancient eggshell has revealed important new information about the extreme climate change faced by human early ancestors.
What happens when climate change affects the abundance and distribution of fish? Fishers and fishing communities in the Northeast United States have adapted to those changes in three specific ways, ac...
Secret to weathering climate change lies at our feet     climate change  microbial  drought  healthy bacteria       font style='font-size:12px;'> 2021/8/4
Researchers recently discovered that the ability of agricultural grasses to withstand drought is directly related to the health of the microbial community living on their stems, leaves and seeds.
Temperature significantly increased and snowfall decreased in the iconic Greater Yellowstone Area since 1950 because of climate change, and these trends will likely continue through the rest of the ce...
Local rice varieties in Vietnam could be used to help breed improved crops with higher resilience to climate change, according to a new study. Researchers are aiming to identify varieties that can sur...
2020年3月23日,地学领域顶级期刊《自然·气候变化》(Nature Climate Change)在线发表了近海海洋环境科学国家重点实验室“海洋氮循环与全球变化”创新研究群体、氮循环课题组的最新研究成果,题为Warming stimulates sediment denitrification at the expense of anammox,揭示了气温升高将以抑制厌氧氨氧化为代价刺激沉积物...
2017年4月24日,国际气候变化领域顶级期刊《Nature Climate Change》在线发表了兰州大学大气科学学院黄建平教授(第一兼通讯作者)等人题为“Drylands face potential threat under 2°C global warming target”的最新研究成果,论文第一单位为兰州大学。该研究指出贫穷落后的干旱半干旱区虽然人为排放的温室气体微不足道,但其承受的...
近日,《Nature Climate Change》期刊在线发表了我校廖宏教授作为通讯作者的论文“Weather conditions conducive to Beijing severe haze more frequent under climate change” 。论文第一作者是中国海洋大学“千人计划”、青岛国家海洋实验室蔡文炬教授,其他合作者包括中科院大气物理研究所博士生李柯、我校王会...
2017年2月27日,兰州大学西部环境教育部重点实验室陈发虎院士领导的湖泊记录研究团队在国际著名期刊《Nature Climate Change》在线发表了题为“Aerosol-weakened summer monsoons decrease lake fertilization on the Chinese Loess Plateau”的重要研究成果。该团队依托近2000年的高山湖泊记录,首次...









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